Thursday, February 4, 2010

snail inspired body armor?

I came across this article entitled "Snail in Shining Armor" by Lisa Grossman in ScienceNews magazine. The article introduces to the world why a deep sea snail called the scaly-foot gastropod is so unique and thus perfectly poised to allow for new technology. Scientists believe that tough materials needed for armor and helments can be modeled from the gastropod's shell. Scientists believe in the durability of the shell because of all the snail endures on a day to day basis.

The snail is able to survive in the high pressure, high acidity, and variable temeperatures provided by the deep sea. The gastropod shells also disperses the force from crab attacks through the shell so that numerous hits just provide surface cracks. All of these are important standards used to design any form of protective gear.

Researchers have also found the shape of the shell inspirational. The curvy shell minimizes stress on the snails inner layers. Its curve proves that geometrics are an important part of engineering.

I found this article very interesting because I think it addresses how collaborative science fields can be. The fact that what the scaly foot gastropod has accomplished through evolution can somehow benefit humans is a pretty cool concept. If things that are naturally created in the enviroment can inspire engineers there will be many helpful products of nature's genius in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I think that gathering ideas from natural resources is a good idea. I believe that if we are able to find new uses for materials that are already in our environment then we may someday be able to get rid of plastic. More innovative thinking needs to be out there so that we may be able to continue to reach beyond our previous boundaries and keep finding more solutions to our problems.
